5 ways to increase productivity at work
A short post about increasing productivity at work that I've learned in my English class.
Stop multitasking
- People are easily get tempted at working multitasking
- Multitasking is not humanly possible
- We should focus on one task at a time
- That will help us finish the task faster.
Take breaks
- Working for a long time can easily get burned out
- Not good for physical health & mental health
- Take 5 mins to walk around the office
Set small goals
- Set big goals can make you feel overwhelming
- Big goals/tasks/plans can be more daunting because you cannot finish them.
- You should break your task up into smaller tasks
Take care of the biggest tasks when you’re most alert
- Determine when you’re most alert: morning, afternoon, or evening
- Prevent taking care of the big task when you’re burned out.
- Understanding when and how you work best is the key.
Implement the "two-mininute rule"
- Finding and immediately completing tasks that take two mininutes or less.
- When you starting a new habit, it should take less than 2 mininutes to do.